What Is The Difference Between Innovators and Entrepreneurs?

You needed to be innovative, original to be an entrepreneur. The smartest technical innovator is the most successful entrepreneur.
FedTech Startup Studio Applications Due Aug 20

The United States Of Venture Capital: The Most Active VC In Each State

Our map shows the top VC investing in tech companies in each state, from 500 Startups in California to Lerer Hippeau in New York.
Rural Entrepreneurs Claim Better Quality of Life Despite Challenges – Small Business Trends

Ask any entrepreneur why they went into business, and improving their quality of life will almost always rank in the top three answers. And more often than not, the location of the business and where they live will also play an important role.
Opinion: How patents really work in the innovation economy

Canadian SMEs have significant ground to make up in terms of patenting their innovations and the focus needs to be global if Canadian companies and innovation are to flourish
Understanding Baltimore’s Pre-Seed Funding Gap – Baltimore’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Diving deep into one of the biggest gaps in Baltimore’s entrepreneurial ecosystem
A new report found Maryland has the fastest internet in the U.S.

According to highspeedinternet.com, The state can stream funny cat videos at 5.34 Megabits per second faster than the runner-up, New Jersey.
An Eastern Shore Startup Success Story – Daystar Mfg

A call from the Eastern Shore Entrepreneurship Center (ESEC) Executive Director, Mike Thielke, to Ed French, the Score Assistant Director for the Eastern Shore and certified mentor
Entrepreneurship in the Instagram age

I am a serial entrepreneur. I’ve helped to start and grow many businesses, including the ad agency I currently run, and I applaud anyone who is willing to take the plunge into these uncertain waters.
Visualizing the World’s Most Innovative Economies

What countries have the most innovative economies? This index uses seven equally-weighted variables, including R&D spending and patents, to rank countries.