F³ Tech Accelerator

F³ Tech (Farm-Fish-Food) is a statewide private/public initiative that is creating a new renaissance of economic growth and prosperity through innovation and technology that builds upon rural Maryland’s traditional resource-based industries of agriculture, seafood, and the environment.

The overall effort consists of three components that provide a pipeline through which innovators, startups, and existing businesses with new product and service ideas and innovations can achieve commercialization. The initiative includes partners and resources from all of Maryland’s rural regions to include the Eastern Shore, Southern Maryland, and Western Maryland, all rich in agricultural and seafood resources.

The overall program consists of three components that provide a pipeline through which innovators, startups, and existing businesses with new product and service ideas and innovations can achieve commercialization.

Challenge Events

One-day hackathon events at area colleges and universities. Student teams respond to real-world market-driven challenges working to develop new innovations and technologies which can be commercialized.


A 6-week virtual program that is targeted to individuals or teams with early-stage ideas and are gearing up to participate in a more traditional accelerator program or for an early product launch – but aren’t quite ready yet.


A 4-month program that rigorously prepares startups for product/service launch and commercialization through concentrated mentorship, training, networking, and investment.