TEDCO’s Builder Fund Speaker Series: Executive Storytelling Tickets, Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 3:00 PM

The Chief Storyteller: Ira Koretsky

The Speaker Series Returns!Executive Stroytelling: How Leaders Use Stories to LeadWhat if the right story inspired the right action from your board? What if the right story landed you that top recruit? What if the right story helped close that big opportunity? What difference could that “right story” mean to you and your organization? Through a lively and insightful program, Ira will challenge you to “think deliberately” about how you communicate your stories in meetings, speaking, writing, and social media. Enjoy practical, hands-on exercises where you will learn how to turn your experiences into stories that engage, persuade, and inspire your stakeholders with an easy-to-use framework taught around the world.

It all began some 30 years ago, at a high school science fair. Ira Koretsky had presented his computer program on the heart and the circulatory system. One by one, the prizes were announced… third…second…first place. After nearly 100 hours of programming evenings and weekends, he slumped his shoulders and thought to himself, “I lost.” Then…Ira heard the chairwomen announce, “We are awarding the grand prize to a young man who could sell me my own pair of shoes!” And his name was called… In hindsight, the event helped him on the path to a career in communications.


Source: TEDCO’s Builder Fund Speaker Series: Executive Storytelling Tickets, Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 3:00 PM | Eventbrite