If asked “What’s the most talent competitive city in the U.S.?” few Americans would name the top of our global list: Washington, D.C. (1). Often considered to be a (political) quagmire, the greater metropolitan area actually has a tremendous amount to offer. With an excellent environmental quality, major universities, an impressive number of physicians in the area and, of course, the presence of international global organisations, the greater Washington area provides a complete environment for talent competitiveness.
Read more at https://knowledge.insead.edu/career/the-worlds-most-talent-competitive-cities-11366?utm_source=Content+Partners&utm_campaign=05fdf2a54c-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_602b84e75f-05fdf2a54c-250171813#xypMhFaG5PqiwGY1.99 @hotdesksMD #EasternShore #Maryland #innovation
Source: The World’s Most Talent Competitive Cities | INSEAD Knowledge